Sun. Feb 23rd, 2025

Christian Medical College (CMC)

The Christian Medical College began in 1918, when Dr. Scudder started training women for the Licentiate Diploma (LMP). Here first batch of medical students achieved a 100 percent pass in the examinations. In 1942, the medical school was raised to the status of a college and 25 students were admitted to the MBBS course.

The first men students were admitted to the college in 1947. Permanent affiliation to the University of Madras was obtained in 1950. From 1953 onwards 50 students were admitted, 25 men and 25 women and in 1964 the annual admissions were increased to 60. In 1988, the affiliation of this institution was transferred from the University of Madras to the newly established Tamil Nadu Dr. M.G.R. Medical University.

In 2001, the National Assessment and Accreditation Council, an autonomous institution of the University Grants Commission awarded a five star rating to the institution.

The Postgraduate training programmes continue to be added as newer branches of medicine develop. At present, there are postgraduate diploma courses in 11 specialities and postgraduate degree courses in 35 specialities.

This institution has been a pioneer in India in the development of higher specialities like cardiology, Thoracic Surgery, Neurology, Neurosurgery, Urology, Nephrology, Endocrinology, Gastroenterology and Haematology.

CMC Hospitals

Name Contact No.
CMC Hospital 2222102,2222123,2222716,
2222722,2232164,2220207, 2269214,2269216
CMC Hospital 2221346,2220195,2223965,2223997
CMC Hospital 2228637,2222819,2228638,2222821,
CMC Hospital
CMC Dodd Library 2221256
CMC H Opthalmic
CMC & H.Redr 2232973
CMC Hospital
GL Supdt.
CMC H Association 2232054
CMC H Nutrition 2223287
CMC College