The kings of Pallava, Chola, Nayak, Maratha, Arcot Nawabs and Bijapur Sultan Kingdoms had being the privilege seat of Vellore. The Carnatic War was described as the best and the strongest fortress during 17th Century .
It was witnessed the massacre of European soldier during the mutiny of 1806. In Tamilnadu, the Vellore district lies between 12° 15’ to 13° 15’ North latitudes and 78° 20’ to 79° 50’ East longitudes. The geographical area of this district is 6077 sq. k.m.
The total population as per 1991 Census is 30,26,432. The vellore district is well connected by Railways and bus routes to major towns of the neighboring states like Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka and Kerala.
The history of the District assumes a great significance and relevance, as we unfold the glorious past. The Monuments found a vivid picture of the town in this district give through the ages. Some of the decisive battles fought in Ambur 1749 A.D., Arcot 1751 A.D. and Vandavasi 1768 A.D. during 18th Century. In the Vellore District as a result of the long-drawn was the scene of struggle between the English and the French for Supremacy.